Thursday 19 August 2010

Best african footballer

Today's Guardian Unlimited has a great article about the best players to come out of Africa. This is a debate that sparks up every so often. Most of these players plied their trade in Europe, so this is one reason they're listed on so many 'Best of' lists. What about the footballers that didn't play in Europe? The footballers that stayed on the continent and achieved fame there? I'd be interested to see that list.
I'll post the player's names here. Check out the article to see what's said. 1) Eusebio (Mozambique) 2) Rabah Madjer (Algeria) 3) Samuel Eto'o (Cameroon) 4) Abedi Pelé (Ghana) 5) George Weah (Liberia)
6) Roger Milla (Camerooon)

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